Saturday, April 24, 2010

Peculiar Mission #4: Sarah's Corduroy meets Silk Pouches

evidence of her actually using it :)
my first attempt at making a fully-lined pouch!

It was one of my favourite friend's birthday yesterday. She's living in Auckland unfortunately for me but fortunately for her. I remember she was hunting for a coin pouch and so I made her a small little coin pouch and another all-purpose cosmetic pouch to throw all her "nonsense" in (as she would probably say). She's not all that organized (haha!) so this is to get her a little more in order. Some people prefer "order in chaos" and some live by "obsessive order". Either way, I am fine. I fluctuate between the two. So there goes, navy blue silk-lined pouches with printed corduroy. There! She has facebook-ed me a picture of her using it! I am happy. And I hope she will be happier this year. Mission accomplished! Happy Birthday!

Sarah, by the way is an extremely creative person. I hope to get her permission to feature her creativity. (Sarah are you reading this?) I remember the first purple corduroy tote bag she sewed by hand. I still have it and treasure it. She is an amazing woman.