Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chapter 6 - The Inevitable Adult, conformity & convictions

I thought the world was a beautiful place. Well, it still is. It's funny how we grow up thinking people will be nice, the world is good and everything will be wonderful. But then we suffer a savagely rude shock. So it really is a "dog-eat-dog" world and I am surprised humans have not resorted to cannibalism. It's a savage world out there! People aren't that nice (to say the least), the world is not as good and everything is far from perfect. I wonder if our parents and educators set us up for that. As though they could hide it from us anyway. As though by painting a pretty picture, the lies would somehow be hidden from view. Perhaps they forget that we all grow up and turn into the "Inevitable Adult". One who inevitably becomes more judgmental, more cynical and with a diminishing amount of curiosity and love in his heart. Perhaps in the process of conforming to society's norms, we have lost ourselves. Perhaps we should bring back abit of who we once were and what we have real conviction for. What are we really fighting for?

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