Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chapter 9 - Finding IT, Facing Fears and Fate

And so some people might judge me for the things I do and the choices I make. But I am unfazed. I have spent alot of time trying to find the one thing that I could do for a long time. We are all aware that one can only make real progress from years of mundane, laborious, sheer hard work at the core to achieve the level of greatness we desire. I tried endless ways to find it, to explore, to experiment with the things that I felt I was good at doing and those that I basically just found myself enjoying. And then slowly, from weeding those out, I found that one thing. I liken this to finding a life partner but really, love is mysterious and mostly I can't comprehend it so I shall not comment further on this one. It is true that things happen for a reason and at the time it is meant to. It will be a great tragedy and folly to think that time is lost or wasted. Because it really shouldn't be too late as long as your desire is there, and your desire is great, it could move the metaphoric mountain. At a certain point in my life, I was held back by great fear. Fear of changing the course I thought I was comfortable in, fear of facing the criticism and judgments of those around me, fear of rising up to the occasion, all of which were essentially the fear of taking risks amongst many other distractions and choices modern life presents you with. And so I gave in to it. Soon enough, you realise the more you submit to it, the less meaning life takes on. "Nihil timendum est", fear nothing. For when it comes down to it, it really only is fear that sets us back and which we have to confront persistently and look boldly and brazenly in the eye. I have just only begun my journey and it is a wild ride but then you keep taming it and taming it until it achieves your desired effect. And then you realize meeting your destiny takes hard-driving persistence and unwavering fidelity where moments of hesitation become intolerable. 


  1. you know what they say.. its cliche.. nevertheless.. there's weight to it... Carpe Diem! Seize the day, seize the moment.. seize what you truly desire! :)

  2. :) indeed. it's all about seizing yourself. soon i might get into a seizure of sorts too

  3. haha! tis a happy seizure! one of bliss! :P

  4. blissful seizure...what an oxymoron. :) haha. Thank you for keeping up with my blog.

  5. your blog's like a hot cup of joe to start the morning with :)
